Friday 22 August 2014

Immunity differs for different age groups

In our human body there are various parts or cells which help us protect from the foreign elements that can cause harm to our body. They can make us ill, weak; can give us incurable disease and many other harmful effects to our body. For this we need to make it strong and make our cell able to fight them. Cells which fight the cells that fight and protect us are antibodies that are there in white blood cells even know by the other name Plasma cell. These are very essential for the body and give us the immunity to fight from any disease. If these are not there in the body in the right quantity then even the medicine will not be able to work on the disease. The right medicine and the strength of these help the person to fight and protect oneself from any disease. These are weaker in the children and old people that is why they are more prone to disease.

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